47.6 North Python

System architecture, backend engineering, Python development

We have:

  • 45 years of experience in computer hardware and software design
  • 20 years of experience in Python-based backend development
  • 10 years of remote team experience

We have created backend systems and bespoke data pipelines. We are experienced in web servers, scaling challenges, asynchronous processing, database query optimization, custom control planes, and queue management.

Our ethos is simple: We work with you to get stuff done without bringing in ideology.

We integrate with your team and focus on deliverables. We provide services in:

  • Python software development and maintenance of backend systems.

    We are experienced in the Django, FastAPI, and Flask frameworks; SQL; and in administering and using PostgreSQL, Redis, Elasticsearch, and RabbitMQ.
  • Golang, JavaScript, or TypeScript development. Our expertise is deepest in Python but we are well-versed in these languages.
  • Software Design Documents and other analyses for new development.
  • Technical assessments of proposed or existing systems.

To start a conversation, please send a project summary and your contact information to john@476northpython.com.

Seattle, WA USA